Top Salary Estimator Online Tools In India

Estimate Salary and know your value

Knowing the true value of your strength and experience is more important when you are searching for jobs. It is better always up to date on the current trends of the market. Usually, when we are applying for jobs, we will follow a few ways of job apply. We will directly apply to the company websites and attend the interview. Friends may refer and schedule the interview. Else, interviews scheduled by the mediator that could be consultancies or job portals.

know your value

We may or may not know the highest salary paid by the company for the employers who are inline with your experience. So we have to know the data to negotiate the salary, once we got the placement. I guess, you know for a few companies, but don't know about all the companies. Isn't it?

There are top tools where we can check our values and get paid the highest pay scale while interviewing negotiation. These tools are the most probably gives accurate results for jobs in India. For other countries, there are a lot of other tools are available online that not going to discuss here.

Naukri Salary Predictor

This is one of the best tools available online to calculate your salary worth. This tool is currently in beta version, but still, it works. It takes some of your information and estimates the most accurate results of current trends. It will ask organization name, your qualification, experience, gender, location and estimate the salary value per annum. 


These tools ask job title, your experience, and location. It will give the estimation of your current job and job offers. Also, tools support individual worth as well as company worth. This is one of the most accurate tools in current trends. 

Cut short

This tool takes job category, tags, experience and location as inputs. But the limitation of this tool is, it supports only 4 locations. Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Delhi. Other location information is not available here. This tools also draw the trend of graphs, so that it is easy to estimate the worth of the employee and

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