How to add privacy page on blogger?

Add Privacy Policy Page to Blogger

Every blog should have its own privacy policy defined. A Page should be allocated to show the terms and policies and should be displayed as part of the blog. This will show the blog's ethical values and transparency to the reader. It is a legal document that discloses the ways of collecting customer's data and its uses. 

How to make Privacy Policy

There are some pieces of information that need to be presented in every blog's privacy policy. There are 7 main components that you need to tell in the privacy page. 

Components of Privacy Policy

  1. What is your niche of the blog?
  2. Vision and mission of the blog
  3. What are the pieces of information taken from the visitors?
  4. Availability of Subscription and Unsubscription 
  5. What are you not doing?
  6. Clear explanation about Ads or Ecommerce, if any.
  7. Events or Frequency of emails to be sent

Free Privacy Policy online Generator tools

Free privacy Policy
Privacy policies

Steps to add privacy page in blogger

1. Log in to your existing blogger account

2. Click the Page option as given in the image.

3. Click the New Page and start to type your policies

4. Click the Publish button, once done the privacy policies

5. Click the Layout option in the side menu
6. Click the edit option (pencil icon) in the page list component

7. Click the Checkbox of the Privacy Page

You can change the order of menu display here. Finally, Save the layout. Now you can see your blog's privacy page on the top menu generally.

Create a stunning logo for your blog using Online Logo Maker Tools

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